Let's Connect

The life and business of your dreams begin with the decision to change TODAY. Now is the time to get your life back on TRACK, find your true purpose, and gain clarity around your values and goals.

Why They Recommend To

Connect with Chris Dyer

Shari C.

Chris Dyer always puts her most genuine self out for the people around her. She is wise but shows up with such humility in her mentoring. She shows that in knowing what we don’t know, that we are better able to grow into who we are meant to be. She approaches things in a way you didn’t know you needed to hear. Her ability to show/teach how to trust ourselves in a way that is both tough and caring has helped me mature as a mother, as a friend, and as a professional.

T. Alberston

Chris has supported me in my personal development journey over the years in many ways; from the books and podcasts she recommends, listening and sitting in on the tough conversations we have to have with ourselves, challenging me to pursue my dreams and uncover the hidden reasons and drive the have ultimately lead to my own goal attainment – she’s the best friend you can call on, the reflection in the mirror you need to see and hear sometimes and the idea generator that creates a win-win in almost all situations. Thank you, Chris, for your friendship, love, and support.

E. Nowlan

I’ve had the honor of knowing Chris professionally and personally over the past three years. She has helped me see my blind spots and shift my perspective to find new solutions. Chris coached me through some issues in my leadership that I was stuck on to see things from a different viewpoint and, therefore, shift my leadership to get myself (and my team) to that next level. I hadn’t realized I was holding myself back. Chris helped me realize this and take action to move forward! I’m grateful for her guidance.